You heard about the guy needing a new brain? Started looking at the samples sitting in their jars. How much for that one he asked. Oh, that one is 6 million. What! That is unbelievable, why so much? It was from a doctor who was very healthy, religious and moral. OK, then how much for that one over there? 2 million. I can't believe that , look, it has some flaky parts, shady and bruised. Well, that one is a fine specimen of a lawyer who made a decent living, only cheated on his wife, taxes and at cards. Well the man was beside himself. Finally he found a moth eaten, tattered little brain about the size of a walnut sitting in a jar of alcohol. How much for that one? 30 billion. Why? It is the worst example and in horrible shape! The Doctor looked at the man and said it came from a climber. So, why so much? The Doctor said, "Do you have any idea how many climbers we had to go through before we found one with a brain?" Peace, Ahabonook in Alaska

You know you are in trouble when you hear........."Hey, which one is my brake hand?" Submitted by Ed
What's the difference between a Climber and a Golfer? Golfer goes: Whack, Shit! Climber goes : Shit, WHACK! Taylor Shull
any more?............E-Mail yours here!!

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