1. You look at every vertical surface you see as a potential climb.
2. The neighborhood kids throw a frisbee on your roof and you go up the climbing wall attached to the house to get it for them.
3. You feel weird when you're not wearing climbing shoes, harness, and full rack of gear.
4. You decide it would be cheaper to buy your own shoe resoling equipment.
5. You never meet anyone you've never met climbing who isn't a first-timer, no matter where you're climbing.
6. You can't remember the last time you did something other than climb on your vacation.
7. You wake up, put on your harness and shoes, and then realize it's a workday.
8. Nobody ever wonders what they should get you for Christmas or your birthday.
9. You solo a two-pitch 5.11 climb just to warm up for the day.
10. You don't bother marking rope and gear so you'll know when it's too old to use, because nothing you buy lasts longer than three months anyway.
Submitted by Tom Wheeler

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